Madgaon Express
Rating: 2.5 Star ⭐️⭐️🌟
Timepass entertainer which at parts tickles your funnybones naturally, performances by the lead actors is a plus. Kunal Khemu has done a decent job in his derectorial debut . Pratik Gandhi was in top form with his impeccable comic time followed by fun performance by Divyendu & Avinash. The film has its flaws specially with its runtime being quite long clearly a mistake on the editing part , lot of unnecessary and unfunny scenes could have been easily chopped off , songs aren’t impressive , Norah Fatehi had a small and sweet extended cameo, the real surprise was Remo Dsouza in a fiery bold avatar , rest of the cast also did a great job . Counting up flaws on one side the film did have a quirky fun flavour to it and most importantly natural comedy in parts which makes you laugh out loud . All and all i would not say its an out and out entertainer as it does bore at parts, but it definetly is a neat timepass entertainer to watch out for in the cinemas near you .
#YoReviewSunnyKSaath #MadgaonExpress