Not the best but will definetly touch your heart and has an apt social message 3.5 Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
One time watch movie which is like a reprised version of 2-3 Mahesh Babu movies put together starting from celebrating frienship like never before to emotion , action , humour and a relevant social message. The film has a gripping and entertaining first half , songs arent much intresting ,second half is dragged until you arrive the goosebumping last 45 mins and the climax that will touch you and make you feel its wirth the wait . Mahesh babus screen presence and his character is the soul for this movie , Cinematography and BGM are among the USPS for this movie,Overall a movie that can be watch once in the cinemas , A neat family film coming from the Prince as he celebrates his Silver Jubilee with 25th film .Go for it only in the cinemas
>Performance by Mahesh Babu and the soul of his characterization adds immense value to this film and drives it
>Cinematography is just woow and a treat to your eyes , well shot and well presented
>Story is prolonged yet has a relevant social message to think over
>Dialouges are punching and add thrill at points for the viewers
>The first half is a delight to watch the, the life and initial years of Rishi Pooja and Ravi celebrating their frienship
>Background score and sound design is super amazing
>Action scenes are adeenaline pumping though seem overdosed at places still generates that pump In energy
>Complete Cast has done justice their respective roles
>The legnth of the movie is a big big flaw for this film as its prolonged out of bounds to a runtime of 3hrs it could have been easily stripped down to 2:15 mins making it crisp thats where things went wrong for the movie
>2nd half has a few sequences which arent realistic and dont appeal to the general logic
>Editing is poor as you can see how everything was tried to be put in place there was need for a strip down which was missed
>None of the Songs are great , just mediocre and flat
With all the flaws comes a warm feelig with this movie which makes it definitely a one time watch in the cinemas . Go for it and be the part of Rishis Journey as he says “SUCCESS IS NOT A DESTINATION ... ITS A JOURNEY”
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