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Friday, 14 October 2016

Beimaan Love

Beimaan Love
My take 1 star
Its a traumatic ride for a plot that is so common and has absolutely nothing new its just a repetitive movie which a basic plot of women being betrayed and then a revenge drama ,though the movie ends with a meaningful message "NEVER TAKE A WOMEN FOR GRANTED"  the complete movie is not worth the the watch at cinemas. I do not recommend not watching this in the nearest cinema halls


The screenplay is written in a way that makes the audience feel torturous of what is happening in the movie at regular intervals and soon or sooner you loose that interest in the movie,the first half is average but the second half is completely repetitive and the climax has a good message to point on. The story is about a young business man who loves lavish party's luxury he happens to see this young aspiring lady played by sunny leone in a party and he tries his wicked tricks on her and gets slapped in public post this he feels extremely offended and plans a game , game of love he makes this girl fall for him and then hangout make her believe in him and finally betray her and break her heart in a very cruel manner this changes her life she decides to stand on her own and do something big she becomes a biggest threat to this business man she steals all the business deals and eventually this man looses his brand and his reputation slowly and steadily few incidents that happen in his life make him realise that the women he had tagged with abusive words was the women who really loved him he faces betrayal in his life and realizes how it feels to be betrayed he finally gets back to sunny leone saying he truly loves her . now what happens next? Does she accept him back? Or does she take revenge in even a bigger way? Is the movie all about


SUNNY LEONE has been normal as usual and has got a better screen time this time, coming to the actor Ranjesh has perfomed well in his character and rest follows the ensemble cast


Not worth watch in the cinemas but if ur are a leone fan then u can watch it in the cinemas for the screen time she shares apart from that this movie has nothing new you have been seeing many revenge dramas this one stands one among those with a usual plot . For more visit http://yoviews.com

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