Rating: 4 Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Outstanding movie with a wonderful message , the narration is crisp and gets you glued to your seat ,the movie is entertaining and gets you back to the wonderful school memories and to add to it the twists and turns keep you hooked throughout the movie, screenplay is tight and well written , it keeps you alive as the story progresses, performances wise Alizeh Agnihotri was the star of the film, very difficult to believe it to be her debut film as she was just flawless and loveable, she was totally rocking looking forward to watch more of Alizeh in future , prassana bisht , Sahil Mehta did well , Ronit roy was amazing rest follows the ensemble cast who equally did great . All and all this film has a wonderful message to the youngsters and its highly recommended watch , you will love it all-together as a unique film with a nice story and a message as takeaway .
#YoReviewSunnyKSaath #Farrey