Rating: 4 Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A stylish Ariel action film infused with Patriotism and stitched with raw emotions and a climax that generates Goosebumps. An ode to the Indian Airforce . Siddharth Anand gets it right yet again with this amazing movie,dialogues are whistle worthy, action is adrenaline pumping , VFX is top class , Cinematography is stunning and a visual treat all throughout the film, Hrithik Roshan as Patty shines through all the moments may it be action , emotion , Swag and specially in the Climax he is phenomenal and he just looks superb in the professional Airforce officer attire.Deepika Padukone has also been great and has suited well in the role , Karan Singh Grover has done a decent job and finally the veteran actor Anil Kapoor was just fantastic and rest follows the ensemble cast . Emotions are so well portrayed in the movie feels so raw and real . Dont expect much on 3D part , BGM is killer but coming to songs its disappointing could have had better songs and avoided 1 or 2 unnecessary songs . Editing could have been a bit better as some portions & songs could be easily chopped off . Ignoring a few odds All and all this film is for a theatre experience and it entertains you , gets you high on patriotic sentiment and emotions. Overall a worth watch in the cinemas #YoReviewSunnyKSaath #Fighter