Rating : 2 Star ⭐️ ⭐️
Streaming On: Amazon Prime
This murder mystery is more drama less mystery,defiently had an edge but fails due to poor and lacklustre writing . The story kicks off interesting then slows down and feels boring. it elevates in the 2nd half but everything seems soo unreal and random, the only saving grace of the film is the climax where the actual twist is revealed . The performances could have been lot better ,soo many big and talented names have been just wasted Vidya Balan had a mediocre character , Rahul bose was too much over the top with his character , Dipanitta sharma executed her part well , Ram Kapoor was Good and finally Sheefali Shah in her cameo didnt have much scope . All and all its was an opportunity wasted , direction was very poor , screenplay was bad , editing could have been much much better , 100% points for cinematography, scenes in the film were beautiful and exotic . All and all this murder mystery isint soo exciting to glue you on the edge of your seats. This movie can be missed even on OTT. #YoReviewSunnyKSaath #Neeyat