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Friday, 21 July 2023



Streaming Partner : Amazon Prime

Rating: 3.5 Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

A breezy and smooth going movie which teaches you to be happy with what you have , the way film showcases events of world war 2 and relates it to real life scenario which is an ace work by the director Nitesh Tiwari . Its a movie that touches a sensitive topic sooooo beautifully without being too preachy , its a niche film and would go well with only the multiplex audience which i why probably the makers choose the path of releasing it directly on OTT , i had zero expectations with the film but it is such a heart touching and lovely story of a husband lost in the world of fame game and a wife who seeks happiness in smallest of the things in life . Casting somewhere has failed for the film as Jhanvi Kapoor with Varun dhawan dosent keep up the chemistry . Varun has done a good job with his role , but Jhanvi kapoor could be better is my personal feeling .  Cinematography is lovely , direction is amazing, music could be better but All and all this ones a niche film, a story which will touch you differently and also give away a wonderful message for life . Its a recommended watch on Amazon Prime . #Bawaal #YoReviewSunnyKSaath