Rating: 4 Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A journey of homecoming with loads of love, humour ,friendship, patriotism and strong emotions. Rajkumar Hirani the ace director has worked wonders with emotions so well depicted specially in the 2nd half and the climax just gets you moist eyed.Special Mentions to Vicky Kaushal for a impactful performance that he has delivered .King Khan Shahrukh Khan steals the show with his performance as Hardy , his chemistry with Tapsee pannu felt soo organically real ,coming to Tapsee pannu she has also been too good with her role , Boman Irani this time had a short role but he is lovely as usual rest follows the amazing ensemble cast who have been great. Cinematography of the film is a visual treat , BGM is soothing and adds great value specially during emotional scenes. What falls short for the film is somewhere the situational comedy of the film in the first few minutes which fails to make you laugh hard as the other Hirani films did magically but the film picks up and touches up on illegal immigration , its after effects and the whole journey of Dunkers in the most heart touching way possible . Songs in the film are great . Production design is top notch , those buildings with aircraft at its top and every other detail is well brought out ascetically. All and all Dunki is a wholesome journey that will make you laugh , cry and feel the love , a perfect movie for this christmas , Go and watch it with your family in the cinemas #YoReviewSunnyKSaath #DunkiReview #Dunki