PARAMANU -The Story Of Pokharan
Goosebumps guaranteed 4 Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A proud film on a proud moment for India which you will proud of, by the end you would come back with goosebumps. The movie is to the point no extra exxgarated drama , no typical elements its neat and serves its purpose . A must watch for every Indian sure to get you high in patriotic sentiment
>The story is inspired by real events and its something you will be proud of
>Screenplay is well written and executed without any extra or unwanted stuff which makes its clear on its purpose
>Background music adds life to the film and is thrilling
>Daina Penty and John Abraham have done a good job on their part and performances
>Ensemble cast has done justice to their respective roles
The film is inspired by the real story of Pokhran execution of nuclear bomb test for the first time in the history of India which got our country a global presence and made us proud . The complete execution , the challanges faces by the team from within the system as well as the spy setup network . And what is the final outcome and how the execution of nuclear tests are taken palce is this thrilling story all about
its a worth watch at cinemas, a movie to be proud of . So walk in to the cinemas and watch this movie this weekend