Bharat Ane Nenu(Telugu)
Powerful Inspiring & Crisp 4 Star ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Mahesh Babu in power with his swag backed by fine, crisp and engaging screenplay by Kortala Siva Sir who has created a impactful film which will glue you emotionally till its end and to add this like an icing is the amazing background score and power packed action . over and out this is a neat political drama worth watching in the cinemas
>Super Star Mahesh Babus performance as bharat and the swag he carries with his power
>Fine and smooth transition of screenplay and writing making it a delightful watch
>Action synced well with the background score giving more thrills and chills
>Inspiring story and plot that keeps your intrests alive throught the runtime
>The ensemble cast delivering its best in performance all together
>A little stretched out instead of 2hr53 mins the film could easily be stripped down to 2:15 mins but anyway this is a avoidable point as all together the film is a delight to watch
Bharat who is a London return after his academics take over the post of CM after his fathers demise , he turns things all around the state with his stringent rules to get discipline n order in the state, his fellow party politicians are miffed with him and they find ways to dethrone him a lot of political drama , personal drama unfolds what happens next and who is behind this conspiracy and stuff is what the movie is all about
its a clean family film and a worth watch at cinemas it has everything from action to emotion and a amazing story line portrayed in style . So go for it ... its a worth watch in cinemas all together