A emotional and inspiring movie on setbacks 3 Star (One Time Watch) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Rani Mukherji after 4 long years is a delight to watch onscreen with her super amazing performance which will blow u up . The film is emotional, funny and at the same time inspiring on how to overcome our setbacks which we can term as our Hichki in life . It also draws light on our education system and how kids today are demotivated based on their background etc. over all the film is a one tine watch in the cinemas . The climax is winning and you are sure to come back with a warm happy feeling
> Rani’s performance as teacher affected with tourette syndrome is totally justifiable act and will win your hearts
>The plot and the climax and the takeaway from the film is something that works for the film
>All the characters revolving in the film teach us something and everyone has done a great job with their performances
>The film has emotion, humour as well aa inspiration
> Much of the things keep being repetitive whoch makes it a bit boring at points for the audience to bear on .
> The movie is over stretched because of poor editing , this movie could have easily been stripped down to 1 Hr 50 mins which could make it crisp and to the point without any exaggeration
This movie definitely wont disappoint you and you will return with a satisfiying feeling , so i would say it is a one time watch in the cinemas if you can overlook a few flaws in the movie.