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Friday 5 August 2016


A Completely clichéd 2 star 🌟 🌟
The movie has a SOLID SUSPENSE running till the end but fails miserably  to THRILL , the story is executed and narrated v poorly you tend to loose interest to watch this movie 🎬  in few minutes of it's runtime.  Editing is below standards creating a complete Hodge podge and extremely confusing watch for the audience . Climax is amazing when the suspense breaks out but rest on part the complete film is not watchable . The film in itself is a confusing genre of fiction and thriller .
The screenplay is extremely confusing and randomly written making no or say zero impact of watching the movie.  Though the performances have been great but movie looses it's flavour and instinct to keep the audience @ the edge the seat 💺 or provide thrill . The story is about a man who due to a accident has lost his own identity and is fighting to get back his memory in between all this he is being told a completely different  truth by a series of people who make him believe that he is a different person he keeps believing people but then gradually he starts figuring out that he is being  bluffed and he tries to find out the real himself by analysing  few things and comes at a point where he gets to known that he is a story writer but his complete identity is his suspense  and that suspense lies completely at the climax which is the best part of the film where the complete plot is revealed and will leave u stunned .
Rajiv khandelwal as always has put up a intense and a convincing show with his character and he is Charming as well coming to gauhar khan she was been just Okie . Although performances are good they won't be able to save the movie
Though the suspense is a worth watch at climax the film stands out below watchable  and i do not recommended it to be watched in the cinemas . For more visit http://yoviews.com

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